Ibi Kaslik is an internationally published novelist, freelance writer, editor and teacher. Her most recent novel, The Angel Riots, is a rock n’ roll comic-tragedy and was nominated for Ontario’s Trillium award in 2009. Her first novel, Skinny, was a New York Times Bestseller, was nominated for the Best Young Adult novel of the year by the Canadian Library Association (2004), as well as the Borders’ Original Voices Award for Young Adult Novel (2006). Skinny has also been published in numerous countries.
A native of Toronto, Ibi teaches creative writing at The University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies and works as an arts educator. Ibi has helped write, mentor and publish award-winning books for Inhabit Media, an independent Arctic publisher, based in Iqaluit and Toronto. She has a Masters in English literature and Creative Writing from Concordia University and travels to the Prairies and the Arctic, from time to time.